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Most recent result: 27.3.2025 klo 18.00.
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0,0 mg / l
0,3 mg / l
In Tampere, the microbiological quality of the water pumped into the water supply system is ensured through disinfection with chlorine or sodium hypochlorite. Chlorine is added to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the network. Tap water contains 0.02 to 0.4 mg/l of chlorine.
Water hardness indicates the quantity of calcium and magnesium in water. Water hardness is given either as German degrees of hardness (°dH) or as millimoles (mmol/l). 1 °dH = 0.18 mmol/l. The majority of tap water in Tampere is soft (=< 5 °dH or 0.90 mmol/l). Water near the Hyhky and Mustalampi groundwater plants is medium hard or approximately 5.5 °dH (~1 mmol/l).
The pH value of water indicates the acidity of water, pH 7 being neutral. The pH value of drinking water in Tampere varies between 7.5–8.5. The quality recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health permit a pH value of 6.5–9.5 for tap water. Natural groundwater and surface water in Finland are typically slightly acidic, with a pH value of approximately 6–7.
Water temperature in western Tampere stays at 7–9°C in all seasons, but varies between 1–22°C in Eastern Tampere. The surface water in eastern Tampere makes the water in that area colder in the winter than in the summer. The water in western Tampere is mainly groundwater.
Vellamo is a Tampere Water service that shows the quality of the drinking water in Tampere water supply network based on up-to-date observations and over 10,000 counting stations and geographic information.
The Vellamo service does not show temporary interference in the water supply. In the event of ongoing disturbances, please refer to the Tampere Water outage map service:
Tampere Water reserves the right to add and remove any parameters. The water supply plant does not guarantee uninterrupted service nor is it responsible for damage due to the use of or interruptions in the service. The modelled results in the service are indicative. Only laboratory analyses can provide accurate values.